Sign up for the 5 Day Quick Craft Challenge- to start making art even if you don’t have time for a masterpiece!

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What Can I Help You With?



I can’t do anything Pinterest or Instagram worthy so, I do nothing.

 I encourage you to just start and do and I give you tips how.



My schedule is jam packed-Art never makes the To Do List.

I give you ways to sneak art back into your life.


I can’t get to Art everyday- I stop and start, I need help to keep going.

Read my blog and see it’s just like that for all of us!

Hi, I’m Naty.

I’m an artist, maker and creator that struggles just like you to get to the kitchen table and do art.

I have a 9-5 but I’m just crafty at heart. I create because I always have even if I haven’t been the most consistent at it. Can a I get a holla? 

As someone just like you, I can show you that creativity is never far away. Learn more About Me here.

After a lifetime of creating I’m starting this website to get everyone to start making. Are you in?